Performance Training

Over the years personal training has evolved as technology has become more advanced. Due to this, we now have better equipment, and science to get the results our clients demand. Our training programs offer a 12 point biomechanical assessment on each Powerhouse Gym client.  During this session, we make sure to capture it on video. One of our Powerhouse Gym coaches will then sit with the client and go over the video and test results. Our coach will evaluate these results and will show how corrections can be made to achieve a more functional, and efficient way of training. The coach will then create a training program to reach the client’s goals based on ability, exercise, and nutrition. The SECA Body Composition Scanner will be used as a tool throughout the entire process.

The 7.7 Nutrition Plan

7.7 Nutrition is a licensed dietitian office that has access to many professional-grade supplements. Some of these supplements include vitamins, branch amino acids, organic,  gluten, and hormone-free proteins, professional-grade krill oil, and much more.  A Florida licensed dietitian will create a customized nutrition plan to meet your needs.

In addition, 7.7 Nutrition also offers food inflammation testing.

SECA Body Composition Analyzer

Below is a short video of the same SECA Body Composition Analyzer we use here at Powerhouse Gym Athletic Club.




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